

3vo is a web3 SuperApp ecosystem that bridges finance to social, enabling users, brands and communities to interact and exchange value directly with the minimal amount of intermediaries. By merging the principles of Web3 and Social Media, 3vo introduces a new paradigm that changes the way we perceive and exchange digital value, offering users an all-in-one platform to discover, create and transact. With easy access to tokenization, value in the form of content and experiences can be transformed into liquid digital assets that can be then easily owned, exchanged and monetized. 3vo wants to shape the “Internet of Value” era by bringing easy and accessible web3 tools to the masses, unlocking their full potential. Ecosystem Components: - 3vo App: Social Media SuperApp with built in Multichain wallet - 3eator: No-code Dapp Creator - TokenSmith: Tokenization tool powered by a library of smart contracts - DAOmocracy: Ready to deploy DAO for any community or organization - $3VO token: Multi-chain utility token used as a medium of exchange in the 3vo ecosystem - Cross-chain Bridge: Bridge to move tokens between blockchains - Smart Contracts Library: A library of smart contract templates - 3Ex: 3vo exchange system for social tokens - API: Public APIs to integrate with 3vo ecosystem - SDK: Software development Kit to develop on 3vo - 3volution DAO: Platform for 3vo community to govern the 3vo ecosystem

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